Coventry Health Care SWOT Analysis

Coventry health care company is based on the industry of health insurance and is the diversified in national insurer of the United States. The company is headquartered in the Bethesda, Maryland and its operations are executed by the CEO, Allen Wise. The products and services that are performed by the Coventry health Care Company is the Health Care Plans. At present the company is ranked at the third position in the United States as the most successful prescription of drug plans.

SWOT Analysis of Coventry Health Care


• The company has wide range of the quality products and services for the health care.

• The annually revenue generated by the company placed it in a very significant and strong position.

• The company has strong market position as because of the financial stability in the market that improve the number of shares. 

• The company has a very strong extended network for providing its products and services.

• The competition face by the company is very less as because there are very limited companies for such productions.

• The strength for the company is that it is completely based on the customers with the strong loyalty programs.


• It is the weakness for the company to manage the all the work which is with different brands and firms.

• The old fashioned stores are in need and requirement of renovations.

• The cost imposed and made on the operations and strategies of the company are very much high.

• The stream of cash flows determined by the company is weak enough that cannot fulfill the current demands.

• The company involves a lot of weak factors that involves the attainment of market attention


• To grasp the attention of the people as they are migrating from the informal to formal as far as shopping is concerned.

• Little customers of the area have access to the credit and banking services so the company should lead them.

• Providing the facilities to the customers to have easy purchasing power that can increase the consumption to the higher rate.

• The company should try to provide funding so that they can be accelerated in the expansions and renovation for the existing modeling.

• The company should also try to supply finance to the factors of the health care.

• The company should try to focus on the interest related to the demographic market.


• As by improving the customer attitudes and positions more retail stores become the part of the market.

• The relocation of the brand can decreases the factors involving the loyalty of the customers.

• The interest approached in the diversification of the business can divert the focus of the company’s welfare.

• Due to the economical crisis of the company the potential growth of the retailer’s declined.

• Increase in the factors of raising unemployment affects the demand from the customers.

• The shortage is experienced by the company as because of the minimum workers from the health care. 


•, Accessed on May 26, 2012.
• (2010), Principles of management, Coventry Health Care,Inc.

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